Anthem We Shall Walk Through the Valley arr. Undine Smith Moore
African American Spiritual
Ah, Lord we shall walk, shall walk in peace
We shall walk through the valley in peace
We shall walk through the valley in peace
And if Jesus himself shall be our leader
We shall walk through the valley in peace
There will be no trials there
There will be no trials there
And if Jesus himself shall be our leader
We shall walk through the valley in peace
Anthem Lord, Here Am I John Ness Beck
text Fanny Crosby
Master, Thou callest, I gladly obey;
only direct me, and I'll find Thy way.
Teach me the mission appointed for me,
what is my labor, and where it shall be.
Master, Thou callest, and this I reply,
“Ready and willing, Lord, here am I.”
Willing, my Savior, to take up the cross;
willing to suffer reproaches and loss.
Willing to follow, if Thou wilt but lead;
only support me with grace in my need.
Master, Thou callest…
Living, or dying, I still would be Thine;
yet I am mortal while Thou art divine.
Pardon, whenever I turn from the right;
pity, and bring me again to the light.
Master, Thou callest…
Anthem In This Place Carl Meyer / Summer Choir
There is a welcome for the weary;
There is a rest, for it is here we
Find the power of our family’s healing love;
For as Christ has welcomed all by grace,
There is a welcome in this place.
There is a healing for the hurting;
There is a balm, for it is certain
That our God who feels our pain is here to heal;
For as God has healed us all by grace,
There is a healing in this place.
There is a comfort for our sorrow;
There is a hope for each tomorrow.
God’s compassion reaches to our needs;
For as Christ brings comfort through God’s grace,
There is a welcome, healing, peace, in this place.