
Generosity of Spirit
Give NowPledge Form

Stewardship isn’t a single event — it is a spiritual practice. The core of stewardship is really about love. Spiritual practices like prayer, worship, service, and stewardship are an ongoing commitment, and at First Presbyterian Church, we value opportunities to connect with each other and to grow in faith.

When we view stewardship in this way, it changes us. It changes how we give. It changes our relationships, it changes how we use our time and our passion, and it changes our legacy. It changes us when we realize stewarding our gifts of heart, time, talent, hope, and treasure is all to the glory of God.

As we grow in our stewardship practices through word and worship and sharing the gospel of love in the world, we also practice it by making a financial commitment to the church.

Join us in honoring God, our church, and the community by making a pledge to the annual campaign to guide the Session in budgeting. Please also review the Volunteer opportunities to assist you in submitting your Time & Talent information in support of our ministries and programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my pledge needed?

Finalizing the annual budget requires the Session to forecast church revenues and identify ministry and mission needs. Church members’ pledges are essential in guiding the Session in making these plans because pledges need to provide about 3/4 of the church’s income.

How much should I pledge?

Through prayer, let the Holy Spirit guide you in your giving. We encourage people to pledge a percentage of their income as they are able. Our annual pledges range from $52 to over $20,000. Not everyone can pledge as much as they would like. If you can do a little more, it helps those who need support in this season.

I give electronically through my bank. Should I fill out a pledge card?

Yes. Pledge cards are used to forecast church revenues and identify ministry and mission needs. Both steps need to take place.

Is my pledge a binding contract?

No. Filling out your pledge card is an estimate of giving made in good faith. Your pledge is a statement of intent, not a contract.

Should I pledge even if I can't specify an amount?

Yes. Pledge cards not only assure the congregation’s leadership of future finances but also of the support from, and partnership within, the church family.

Who will know what I give?

Only the church’s financial coordinator has access to these records. Your privacy is maintained.