We give thanks for the dedicated leadership of our congregation members concluding terms of service. As deacons: John Fiore, Allison Hammond, Janet Hildebrandt, and Nancy Johnson. As elders: Heather Cloetingh, Becky Demcovitz, Wendy King, Mark Loehrke, Pat Stromsta, Scott Wilson. Thank you, for your efforts and inspiration that have strengthened our care for one another and witness to God’s Love in the world!
And we give thanks for the willing commitment of other members starting terms of service. As deacons: Jennie Barry, Jo Anne Dunlop, Lois Heuchert, Donna Schonveld, Rick Taylor, and Phylis Youse. As elders: Mike Boersma, Mary Lou Boughton, Sherrill Busboom, Keith Johnson, Richard Nellums, Mark Ohrstrom, and Angela Van Heest. We look forward to ordaining and installing these faithful friends on Sunday, January 19, and supporting them with our prayer throughout the coming year!