February 9, 2025 Fifth Sunday After Epiphany The Rev Chrissy Westbury The Dr. Rev. Seth Weeldreyer Meredith Alspach
February 2, 2025 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany The Rev. Dr. Seth Weeldreyer The Rev. Chrissy Westbury
January 26, 2025 Third Sunday after the Epiphany The Rev. Amber Nettleton
January 19, 2025 Second Sunday after the Epiphany The Rev. Amber Nettleton The Rev. Dr. Seth Weeldreyer The Rev. Chrissy Westbury
Anthem J.S. Bach, Text James Quinn
Word of God, come down on earth
Living rain from heav’n descending;
Touch our hearts and bring to birth
Faith and hope and love unending.
Word almighty, we revere you;
Word made flesh, we long to hear you.
Word that caused blind eyes to see,
Speak and heal our mortal blindness;
Deaf we are: our healer be;
Loose our tongues to tell your kindness.
Be our Word in mercy spoken,
Heal the world by grace unbroken.
Word that speaks the Father’s Love,
One with God beyond all telling,
Word that sends us from above
God the spirit, with us dwelling;
Word of truth, to all truth lead us,
Word of life, with one bread feed us.
Anthem Mungu ni Mwema arr. Edo Bumba
Swahili text
Mungu ni mwema, mungu ni mwema
Mungu ni mwema, ni mwema, ni mwema!
Know that God is good…
Alle, Alleluia…
Children’s Blessing
Children: You are loved!
Congregation: You are loved!
2.19.23 Transfiguration of the Lord The Rev. Amber Netletton The Rev. Dr. Liz Hakken Candido
2.12.23 Sixth Sunday After Epiphany The Rev. Dr. Seth Weeldreyer
November 13, 2022 Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost The Rev. Chrissy Westbury The Rev. Amber Nettleton Meredith Alspach