Several endowments have been established at our church with portions designated to be
utilized for scholarships and/or grants. Each endowment is overseen by a specific committee
of Session responsible for fulfilling the intent of the endowment. Recommendations are
referred to Session for approval.

The Ford-Neff Endowment
The John Dunning Guild II Children and Youth Fund

The John Wirt Dunning Memorial Fund
The Edith Eicher Fund
The Pond, Cain, Conner Fund
The Elaine Kuney Fund

The scholarship is awarded for one year, and a scholarship recipient may reapply for
consideration. Available funding, financial need, and participation in church activities are
part of the evaluation criteria. Meredith Alspach will be sending applications to students
who may qualify.

Scholarship applications are to be returned to the church office.
The deadline is March 31st!

Note: Donations to any of the Endowment Funds would be greatly appreciated and
would benefit our congregation!