Each day, neighbors reach out to us in
need of a little help. Many are housing
insecure or seeking stable housing,
desperately trying to keep the heat on,
or struggling with mounting medical bills.
The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
here at FPC exists to help meet those
needs, in collaboration with other
community agencies and churches.
In 2024 alone, the fund helped nearly
40 individuals and families and is now
nearly depleted. The Pastor’s
Discretionary Fund is entirely funded by
Christmas Eve offerings. Please help us
help our neighbors. Give generously to
the Christmas Eve offering this year!
We proudly collaborate with Kalamazoo
Housing Advocates to better help our
neighbors. We are so thankful for the
work they do and our ability to be a
resource for them to help meet the needs
of those they serve.
In August 2024, Pre came to KHA, unhoused, evicted, and facing a daunting future. Pregnant with twins, caring for two young children, and on unpaid parental leave from her two jobs, she was in a dire situation. Immediately upon her delivery, KHA collaborated with First Presbyterian Church to secure temporary housing for her family in an Extended Stay Residence, ensuring her safety and stability right out of the hospital. From there, KHA facilitated her application to HRI’s rapid rehousing program, securing full move-in costs and a five-month rental subsidy so she could focus on caring for her newborns.
Ask Meredith for more details: mereditha@fpckzoo.org