Christ, Who Was Before the World Began Brenda Portman text by Angier Brock Christ, who was before the world began;
Christ with God, as all things came to be;
Christ in ev’ry atom, ev’ry span
Of hope and light across eternity;
You took on our humanity;
You walked the shores of Galilee.
You healed the blind and set the captives free,
And still you walk with us through history. Christ, we are your people gathered here,
Holding earth’s near future in our hands.
Needs are great, but good news draws us near
With dreams of justice, love’s sweet providence.
Come set our hearts at liberty
And give our faith vitality.
Help us to serve, in peace and confidence,
As faithful stewards of your new covenant.
Christ the hope of generations past;
Christ as yet our compass, star, and guide;
Christ who summons us to feast and fast
By which the greatest love is multiplied:
You pour out grace unsparingly,
You ask us to live daringly.
Teach us to answer with a clear “Amen!”
And through your church, may you be glorified.