The Rickman House is an apartment building in downtown Kalamazoo that provides housing and 24-hour staff support to low-income adults with special needs.

FPC has a long-standing relationship with Rickman House, including providing a community Bingo game on the third Saturday of every month, with prizes of household goods and some fun items to bring some joy.

Prize donations are always appreciated and can be placed in the labeled bin in the narthex or in the mail room near the offices.
If you’d like to help with Bingo Night, contact Mike Boersma at

A few items that the residents have requested for the prize table are:

Household items:
Body Wash
Conditioner (request for V05)
Toilet Paper
Dish Soap
Laundry Detergent
Food items
(ONLY the following:)
Chunky Soups
Instant Oatmeal
Fun Stuff:
Books (any kind — fiction)
Stuffed Animals
DVD’s (comedy, Hallmark    movies — not BluRay!)
CD’s (Christian music,
classical, oldies)
Bracelets, necklaces —
pretty things
Fuzzy socks
Colored pencils